Code of Conduct for our suppliers and partners

We, Windau GmbH & Co. KG, are committed to our sustainable responsibility. For us, sustainability means: To assume our holistic responsibility for nature, people and the economy. This includes the commitment to maintain integrity in business dealings. This is based on a clear understanding of the legal and regulatory requirements, internal company policies and shared values.

In doing so, we are committed to

  • The guiding principles for business and human rights of the United Nations
  • The Declaration of Principles of the International Labour Organisation (ILO)
  • The principles of the United Nations Global Compact
  • The OECD Guidelines
  • The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

Since our responsibility relates to the entire supply chain, we need to demand support for sustainable action from our suppliers. This Code of Conduct is, therefore, also binding for our suppliers and partners. It is a prerequisite for business relationships with our suppliers (including service providers and partners).


1.  Integrity in corporate governance and social responsibility

Our suppliers build their business relationships on the cornerstones of honesty, fairness and trustworthiness. They undertake to conduct their business in accordance with ethical principles, assume social responsibility and always act in accordance with the law.

1.1  Zero tolerance for corruption and bribery

Our suppliers have to strictly reject corruption and bribery in any form. They foster a culture of ethical business practice by encouraging their employees to report any suspicions immediately. Offering or accepting inappropriate perks or presents is strictly prohibited, and all employees are encouraged to maintain professional integrity and avoid potential conflicts of interest.

1.2  Open communication with regulators

Our suppliers comply with all relevant legislation and regulations and strive to maintain transparent and honest relations with regulatory authorities.

1.3  Commitment to fair competition

They support undistorted, fair competition, value responsible business relationships, respect the business rights of others, and are committed to fairness in trade.

1.4  Compliance with export and import laws

Suppliers comply with all laws on export and import, in particular, the restrictions applying to countries with embargoes or sanctions.

1.5  Compliance with tax, customs and foreign trade laws

In the interests of responsible and transparent management, our suppliers comply with all relevant customs and foreign trade regulations.

1.6  Preventing money laundering

Suppliers must strictly comply with the legal provisions for the prevention of money laundering.

1.7  Managing conflicts of interest

Decisions are made on the basis of objective considerations, whereby impermissible personal interests must not have any influence.

1.8  Preservation of confidential information and intellectual property

Our suppliers undertake to protect both trade secrets and intellectual property, to keep confidential information and to respect the rights of third parties.

1.9  Data protection and confidentiality

Our suppliers must ensure data protection and commit to protecting the privacy of all stakeholders by complying with applicable data protection laws. They implement technical and organisational security measures to protect personal data from unauthorised access, loss or destruction and constantly adapt these measures to current developments.

1.10  Ensuring product safety

As a manufacturer of traditional, high-quality sausage and ham products, it is our top priority to deliver safe and high-quality products. In this context, our company is certified annually by independent bodies to the GFSI food standards. Special product requirements for chain of custody certifications, such as QS, ITW, Öko-VO, Beter Leven, RSPO are audited annually by external inspection bodies. Our suppliers must also commit to this quality standard.


2.  Protection of the environment and health, commitment to sustainability

2.1  Energy management and efficiency

Our partners are committed to monitoring their energy consumption and making it more efficient. A particular focus is on promoting the use of renewable energy sources and the continuous improvement of the energy efficiency of their operations.

2.2  Control and reduction of emissions

Our suppliers actively seek to minimise their environmental impact by reducing emissions of all kinds, whether into the air, noise or water. They are required to record, monitor and report their greenhouse gas emissions, and they are developing strategies to reduce them. A central concern here is the overarching process of decarbonisation.

2.3  Responsible use of resources, waste reduction and circular economy

Our suppliers emphasise the need to avoid waste by pursuing strategies that reduce the amount of waste. This includes effective waste management, the introduction of recycling processes, the promotion of the production of durable products and the use of environmentally friendly packaging materials, as well as maximising resource efficiency throughout the production chain.

2.4  Responsible sourcing of raw materials

The principle of sustainable and conscious sourcing of raw materials is fundamental for our suppliers to ensure transparency in the supply chain. In this context, they only cooperate with those suppliers and partners who also adhere to ethical and environmentally friendly guidelines.

2.5  Animal welfare

It is of the utmost importance to us that the issue of animal welfare has an enormously high priority, especially in our supply chain. Therefore, affected suppliers are expected to implement standards and best-practice methods for compliance with animal welfare along the entire supply chain. In principle, animal testing should be avoided, and alternative non-animal methods should be preferred unless animal testing is mandatory by law. In all cases, national and international regulations on animal welfare and animal experiments, such as the German Animal Welfare Act (TierSchG) or the European Union Directive 2010/63 (Laboratory Animal Directive (Versuchstierrichtlinie), must be observed. This is supported by the product chain certifications, such as QS, ITW, Öko-VO, Beter Leven, RSPO.


3.  Social responsibility and the common good

3.1  Workers' rights

Our suppliers ensure compliance with workers' rights to support safe and fair working conditions. They reject discrimination, exploitation and forced labour in any form.

3.2  Human rights

They undertake to respect and comply with all internationally applicable human rights standards.

3.3  Child labor

Our suppliers ensure that they do not employ employees below the legally permissible working age, strictly following national regulations. They undertake to uphold and protect children's rights.

3.4  Freedom of association

Our suppliers respect the freedom to form associations and interest groups. They enable their employees to represent their interests within the framework of the legal provisions.

3.5  Prohibition of forced labour and human trafficking

All forms of forced labour, slavery and human trafficking are strictly prohibited. This also includes forced prison labour and similar practices.

3.6  Diversity, equality and inclusion

Our suppliers are actively committed to promoting diversity, equality, and inclusion, as well as creating a work culture that recognises and respects each individual.

3.7  Rights of minorities and indigenous communities

The rights of minorities and indigenous people are protected and respected by our suppliers. They strive to support and strengthen their cultural, social and economic interests. They are also active against forced relocations and take the rights of the affected communities seriously.

3.8  Women's rights

Our suppliers advocate gender equality and are committed to protecting and strengthening women's rights. Any form of discrimination or violence against women is unacceptable.


4.  Confirmation of the supplier

This Code of Conduct is part of our terms and conditions of purchase and/or our orders. By accepting the order/purchase order, the supplier confirms compliance with this Code of Conduct and its communication within its supply chain. A violation of this Code of Conduct constitutes an impairment of business relations with Windau GmbH & Co. KG. Without prejudice to other rights, Windau GmbH & Co. KG reserves the right in this case to request clarification of the facts and necessary corrective measures from its suppliers. If this is not followed, Windau GmbH & Co. KG still reserves the right to terminate the affected contractual relationship without notice or to withdraw from the affected contract.


5.  Complaints management

Each supplier and each employee of our suppliers may make a personal complaint/reference to Windau GmbH & Co. KG or point out circumstances that indicate a violation of these guidelines. Such reports can be made in person, by post, by telephone or by email:



Windau GmbH & Co. KG
c/o Meldestelle
Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 2
33428 Harsewinkel


05247 9209 99800

The reports will be treated strictly confidentially and will not have any negative consequences for the reporting supplier/employee unless an untrue fact has been deliberately alleged. After a thorough investigation, appropriate measures will be taken where appropriate. All documentation will be kept confidential.